Upcoming Sunday Speakers

April 14, 11 a.m.
Dee Daley will be the guest speaker this Sunday at the Spiritual Light Center. She has been immersed in the Science of Mind (now called Centers For Spiritual Living) since 1980. As the former chair of the Wayfarers Chapel in Dillard, GA, Dee brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to her spiritual talks. Her engaging presentations emphasize practical tools for personal growth and transformation, all delivered with a touch of humor. Dee's passion lies in helping others discover their inner light and navigate life's journey with grace and insight. Dee resides in Clayton, GA with her wife Rebecca. Her topic for Sunday is "Get a Better Idea."

April 21, 11 a.m. — Becky Whitehead

April 28, 11 a.m. — Barbara Jeffries — Pot luck luncheon after the service.

Our Vision

The Spiritual Light Center is a peaceful and joyful fellowship of individuals, centered in love, dedicated to the God within, and honoring the many paths to truth.

Our Mission

We are developing our highest selves by continuous sharing of spiritual ideas, in an environment of unconditional love and respect for others.